Our resource centre provides an overview of the Australian regulatory landscape highlighting the increasing focus of climate change and sustainability within financial reporting and helps you consider the reporting impacts.  Discover the latest developments in sustainability reporting both globally and locally.

Climate change reporting insights

An overview of the Australian regulatory landscape and financial reporting trends for climate change and decarbonisation.

Our publications help organisations communicate the impact of climate in Annual reports and financial statements.

Climate change reporting FAQs

Frequently asked questions to help identify and address climate change impacts on your financial statements.(Links open in a new Browser window)

Sustainability reporting developments

Understand the rapid and converging developments in sustainability reporting.

International developments

International Sustainability Standards Board

The IFRS Foundation is aiming to put sustainability reporting on the same footing as financial reporting through the establishment of a sister body to the International Accounting Standards Board. The International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) will develop baseline sustainability disclosure standards to enable globally consistent, comparable and reliable sustainability reporting using a building blocks approach. This approach will allow national and regional jurisdictions to build on that global baseline to set supplemental standards that serve their specific jurisdictional needs.  Read more >


Global sustainability reporting standards

Sustainability reporting continues to develop at a fast pace across the globe. Three different bodies are developing sustainability standards across the globe: the ISSB, the US Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) and the European Financial Reporting Advisory Group (EFRAG).

The ISSB published the first two IFRS® Sustainability Disclosure Standards (IFRS S1 General Requirements for Disclosure of Sustainability-related Financial Information and IFRS S2 Climate-related Disclosures) on 26 June 2023. The IFRS Sustainability Disclosure Standards are designed to meet the needs of all organisations, not just the most sophisticated. They provide a clear idea of what organisations need to report to meet the needs of global capital markets – providing investors with globally comparable information.

Read more about the new ISSB sustainability disclosures standards >

The EFRAG and SEC standard proposals share numerous commonalities with the ISSB standards, however there are a differences that are important to understand when organisations are required to, or are considering reporting under multiple frameworks. 

Our Comparing sustainability reporting proposals guide provides further insight on some of the practical challenges you may encounter as you prepare for the new sustainability reporting standards.

Australian developments

Sustainability-related disclosures – heightened expectations for current reporting periods 

Recent regulator and government activities in Australia in late 2022/early 2023 reinforced the increasing focus and heightened expectations surrounding sustainability reporting, particularly climate. Exposed organisations need to act now rather than later in considering their reporting and communications.

In the absence of requirements mandating climate-related disclosures in Australia, the TCFD recommendations continue to be supported by all Australian standard-setters and regulators and are currently considered to be the basis for best practice disclosures in Annual Reports. 

Read more in Reporting Update 23RU-02 >


AASB releases exposure draft on climate reporting

In October 2023, the Australian Accounting Standards Board (AASB) released an exposure draft for disclosure of climate-related financial information. 

The ED includes three proposed Australian Sustainability Reporting Standards (ASRS Standards) that include modifications to the baseline of the ISSB™ Standards with a climate-first approach. It is proposed to be applicable for both profit and not-for-profit entities. 

The AASB is proposing the ASRS Standards would apply to annual reporting periods beginning on or after 1 July 2024. However, the financial period in which an entity is first required to apply these ASRS Standards will be subject to decisions of the Australian Government – see below. 

Submissions on the ED are due 1 March 2024.

Read more in Reporting Update 23RU-13 >


Mandatory climate related-financial reporting expected in Australia from June 2025

In January 2024, the Australian Treasury released its Final Policy position for climate-related disclosures, including Exposure Draft legislation and accompanying explanatory materials. This confirms the pathway to mandatory reporting of climate-related financial disclosures subject to the passage of legislation through Parliament. 

For some entities, the first sustainability report will be issued for annual periods starting 1 July 2024 or 30 June 2025 year ends, subject to feedback on a 6-month deferral of commencement.

The Exposure draft legislation is the outcome of previous discovery and design consultations and proposes amendments to legislation covering the following:

  • Reporting entities – those with Corporations Act Chapter 2M reporting obligations meeting prescribed thresholds will be required to prepare a sustainability report
  • Phasing – timing of first reporting based on size or level of emissions
  • Reporting content – as required by ASRS Standards (see above)
  • Reporting framework – within a sustainability report in the annual report and lodged in accordance with current annual reporting requirements 
  • Assurance requirements – phased approach moving from limited to reasonable assurance of Scope 1 and 2 emissions disclosures ending with reasonable assurance of all climate disclosures made from 1 July 2030 onwards
  • Liability framework – modified liability approach to disclosures of Scope 3 emissions and climate-related forward looking statements.

Submissions on the draft legislation are due 9 February 2024.

Read more in Reporting Update 24RU-02 >

How KPMG can help

KPMG Australia's services related to sustainability and climate change reporting in financial statements.

Your climate change-related Annual Report disclosures under TCFD recommendations

Climate Change & Sustainability >

KPMG Climate IQ – Climate risk reporting tool >

Reporting climate change impacts in financial statements – how your climate change response impacts recognition, measurement and disclosures

Sustainability Strategy & Reporting >

ESG Assurance >

Providing assurance over your climate change related disclosures throughout your Annual Report

ESG Assurance >

Your sustainability and corporate reporting more broadly 

Sustainability Strategy & Reporting >

Better Business Reporting / Integrated Reporting >

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